Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Things you miss about college

I am sure that there are n numbers of things that you miss about college lie...Just in ma earlier post I said that I miss exams!!!(ya ya I am a geek !!!bas)
So I would like to know what are the things u really really miss or u will miss them once the college is over....


  1. I so miss those late night assignments, delegating work, long walks at 2 in the night discussing projects, time spent in CCD at Carter Road, ....Sheesh...there are so many things...will keep posting here as and when i remember


  2. as cliche'd - i wud say i miss the hang-outs - college katta ;) and i miss the 'fun' of bunking & all of the class's mass outing of going to movies together!!

  3. I miss those interesting lectures, some really good profs, blocking the seat next to me for someone special, coming out with instant and smart answers to prof's questions, that adda during lunch break, those weekly exams, those night drives, those picnics...hmm list is unending

  4. @namrata- I know mass bunking was always fun,...but there were few "souls" who always used to ditch us and attend lectures

  5. @salil- ooooo blockin seat and all that...thast so shweeeet :)

  6. I miss bunking lectures, watching movies, sitting up late in the night doing presentations, picking the bike and running off to new places

  7. hey! well we all miss our college no different! the best part about a tough course like engineering was the closeness shared between friends....I miss my buddies, the pressure situations and the wild parties after exams....Ahh...if only we could turn back time....

  8. Ogling good looking juniors :)
    Impromptu Bike rides in lieu of class.
    Cursing the slow computers.

    Oh,wait, I'm still doing that last one...
